Update #4 – Not a lot new that isn’t already widely public. However the CDC has launched a new site focusing on social media tools for health emergencies in general. It’s at the bottom of this post
Update #4 – WHO raises alert level to 5, didn’t take long for the spammers to arrive, list of “spamvertised” domains
Update #3 – Canadian airlines stop flights to Mexico, First Death Reported in US
Update #2 - Follow the CDC on twitter - @CDCemergency
Update #1 – The WHO has raised their alert level to 4, additional links at the bottom of the post.
While it is still too early to tell if the Swine Flu outbreak will turn into a pandemic, it is never too early to start your planning. There are a number of sites available with some preliminary information as well as ways to track the outbreak and suggestions for planning. I'll continue to update this page as I get more information.
From the CDC:
The CDC currently recommends that you cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, wash your hands often with soap and water, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, and try to avoid close contact with sick people.
The CDC also suggests that if one does contract an illness, they should stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to avoid spreading the infection.
If you develop an illness with fever and respiratory symptoms and you live in or near a region in which the virus has been identified, the CDC recommends that you immediately seek attention from your health care provider to determine whether further influenza testing is needed.
Skeleton plan from the SANS Institute:
Don’t Panic!
Initial monitoring stage (where we are right now)
- If you’re sick, stay home
- Family is sick, stay home
- Close contact with someone showing symptoms, stay home
- Wash your hands, cover your cough
Then, if multiple cases in your area,
- Think about telling non-essential workers to stay home
- Recommend workers take kids out of daycare
Pandemic stage
- Everyone will be staying home, how will you handle it?
- Do you have enough laptops?
- Can your VPN concentrators handle the load
Some links with valuable and/or interesting information:
2009 Swine Flu Outbreak Map - Google Maps
SANS Institute: Pandemic Watch 2009
Mashable: How to Track Swine Flu Online
TED Interview with “Virus Hunter” Nathan Wolfe
Canada Foreign Affairs Department Travel Warnings
List of domains being used by spammers
CDC Social Media Tools for Partners and Consumers